Trump Files FEC Complaint Accusing ActBlue of Massive Money Laundering Operation


Former President Donald Trump has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) accusing ActBlue, the primary fundraising platform for Democratic candidates and causes, of engaging in a large-scale money laundering operation. This complaint is part of a broader effort by Trump and his allies to challenge what they view as irregularities and potential illegalities in Democratic fundraising activities.

The allegations center on claims that ActBlue has been processing donations in the names of individuals who did not actually contribute the reported amounts. Investigations by various watchdog groups, including Election Watch, led by James O'Keefe, have uncovered numerous instances where elderly individuals were listed as having made thousands of donations totaling tens of thousands of dollars, amounts they deny ever contributing​​.

One notable case involves a Raleigh resident who was listed as having donated over $26,000 through nearly 2,000 transactions during the 2021-2022 election cycle. The individual, who lives on a fixed income, confirmed that while he had made small contributions, he could not have afforded the amounts recorded in his name​.

This issue has drawn significant attention and scrutiny. Reports indicate that ActBlue raised over $513 million during the second quarter of 2022 alone, a staggering amount that has raised eyebrows and questions about the legitimacy of some of these donations​​. Critics argue that such a volume of small-dollar donations could be a cover for larger, potentially illegal contributions being funneled through the platform.

In a related development, the FEC fined ActBlue $3,300 in 2021 for facilitating nearly $44,000 in illegal contributions. This penalty stemmed from excessive donations that were not refunded or properly attributed within the required timeframe​. While this fine was relatively small, it underscored ongoing concerns about the platform's compliance with federal election laws.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has also weighed in, demanding a comprehensive investigation into ActBlue's activities. Rubio's office has pointed out the suspicious patterns of donations and called for greater transparency and accountability in political fundraising​​.

The complaints against ActBlue are not isolated. They form part of a broader narrative among some conservative circles that Democratic fundraising tactics often skirt legal boundaries. The allegations, if proven true, could have significant implications for campaign finance regulation and enforcement.

As this story unfolds, the political ramifications are likely to be substantial. ActBlue, which has been a powerhouse in Democratic fundraising, faces increased scrutiny and potential legal challenges. For Trump's supporters, this complaint is seen as a critical step in addressing what they perceive as systemic issues in election integrity.



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