Protesters Crash Congressional Baseball Game, Disrupt Event with Middle Fingers


The annual Congressional Baseball Game, a longstanding tradition in Washington, D.C., was interrupted by climate change protesters who stormed the field, disrupting the event and flipping off the crowd. The incident occurred at Nationals Park, where lawmakers from both parties gather to raise funds for charity.

Protesters, organized by the group Climate Defiance, initially planned to shut down the game to draw attention to their demands for an end to fossil fuels.

Despite heavy police presence, around 100 activists managed to rally outside the stadium, chanting and holding banners. Four individuals were arrested for unlawful entry and attempting to block the entrance​​.

During the game, some protesters breached security and ran onto the field, making obscene gestures toward the audience. Their actions momentarily halted the game, drawing boos from the crowd and prompting security to intervene quickly​.

Climate Defiance has been known for its disruptive tactics, previously targeting other high-profile events to push for more aggressive climate policies. The group’s founder, Michael Greenberg, stated that their goal was to compel Congress to take immediate and substantial action against climate change​​.

The protest came shortly after Senate Democrats announced a deal to revive parts of the Build Back Better plan, including significant investments in renewable energy and climate initiatives. The activists expressed that while the legislative deal was a step forward, it was not sufficient to address the urgency of the “climate crisis”​.

The Congressional Baseball Game, a bipartisan event dating back to 1909, has seen increased security measures in recent years due to various protests and incidents. Despite the disruption, the game continued, underscoring the resilience of this cherished tradition​​.

Protesters vowed to maintain pressure on lawmakers to ensure that robust climate legislation is enacted and implemented, emphasizing that their demonstrations would continue until significant progress is made. The incident highlights the growing tensions and activism surrounding climate policy in the United States​.


  1. These protesters are IDIOTS! Climate is controlled by Mother Nature, NOT by Congress. All the protesters need to be jailed for being an illegal disturbance.

  2. These programmed idiot are protesting the biggest scam perpetrated on people. Their brains have fallen out of the left side of their heads. Attention seekers probable don’t even really support any cause.

  3. Just read the results of forcing ships to use cleaner fuel. The results were cleaner air but because of the cleaner air more sunlight hit the ear increasing the temperature. Before that I read where if the air was cleaned up over India it would result in a higher temperature. If we keep messing around sooner or later we will do something that will be very determinantal and impossible to reverse quick enough.


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