Partisan Mischief: North Carolina Democrats Vote to Block Third-Party Candidates from Ballots


In a contentious move, North Carolina Democrats on the State Board of Elections have voted to block the Green Party and other third-party candidates from appearing on the November ballot. The decision, made along party lines, has sparked significant controversy and accusations of voter disenfranchisement.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections denied petitions from the Green Party and other groups attempting to secure ballot access for candidates like Robert Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West. The board's decision followed intense efforts by Democrats to prevent third-party candidates from potentially siphoning votes away from their candidates​​.

Supporters of the Green Party have reported receiving misleading and harassing calls, allegedly from individuals posing as Green Party representatives, urging them to remove their names from petitions supporting third-party ballot access. Matthew Hoh, a Green Party candidate, stated that these callers misrepresented themselves and pressured voters to disavow their signatures under false pretenses​.

Hoh also noted that some of these calls came from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which cross-referenced petition signers' information with Democratic Party databases to obtain their phone numbers. This strategy extended to in-person visits, where operatives continued to press signers to withdraw their support, a tactic described by Hoh as "harassment and bullying"​​.

In a statement, the DSCC justified its actions by citing concerns over potential fraud in the petition-gathering process. They pointed to the involvement of a firm with a history of fraudulent activities, although Hoh countered that the firm was only briefly employed and its signatures were not part of the final count submitted for certification​.

The Democrats' efforts to block third-party candidates reflect a broader strategy to maintain electoral control in a state where every vote can be crucial. North Carolina, a battleground state, has seen increasing efforts by both major parties to limit the influence of smaller parties that could impact the outcome of tightly contested races​.

Critics argue that these actions undermine democratic principles by restricting voter choice and suppressing political diversity. The controversy has intensified as the midterms approach, with Democrats facing challenges on multiple fronts, including economic issues and the fallout from recent Supreme Court decisions​​.

This case highlights the ongoing struggle for third-party recognition and the lengths to which established parties will go to protect their interests. As Hoh emphasized, the right to third-party participation is crucial for a healthy democracy and should not be stifled by partisan maneuvers​ ​.


  1. It gets worse. I recently contacted the NC Board of Elections regarding the issue of Social Services and our Drivers License Office providing Voter Registration Forms to Illegals.
    Believe it or not, I was advised not to worry, that the Board of Elections had a “procedure” that prevented Illegals from voting. Unwilling to take that promise at face value, I insisted on being told precisely how they intended to do that. She said there was a check box to confirm Citizenship on the top of the registration form, and a notice that non citizens could not vote.
    I actually had to laugh at that, and asked, “Are you seriously trying to tell me that a person who ILLEGALLY entered this country would not check a box and vote if paid to do so?
    She said well we also check Social Security numbers…
    Really? Did you know that you can obtain a Security Number by simply purchasing one from a drug addict?
    Well, she said, we also have posters at the polls stating that illegal voting is a violation of federal law.
    Do you honestly believe that poster is going to scare people who violated our federal immigration laws when they crossed the border illegally?
    Ironically, the next thing she said was, “I feel the same way you do about it. Unfortunately, the powers that be have decided that these methods will prevent voter fraud.”

    The only solution, is for each and every American Citizen to watch, document, and report every suspicious thing they witness about the voting process immediately. Do not let one of those illegal cheats cancel out your legal vote! The Democrats are not defending democracy in NC.

    The Board of Election’s members are chosen by our Democrat Governor. They are currently attempting to prevent 3rd party candidates that could affect Biden’s percentage of the vote from being on the ballots, and are also responsible for the lack of actions taken to prevent illegals from voting.

    Polls show NC is more Red than Blue this year, and we the citizens who want a fair and free election are going to have to stand up for our legal rights or lose them permanently to these dictators!


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