Kamala Harris: Ill-Equipped to Lead the Free World, Says Biographer


As Kamala Harris edges closer to potentially assuming the highest office in the U.S., questions swirl around her preparedness and capability. Charlie Spiering, in his book Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House, paints a troubling picture of the Vice President as woefully unprepared for the responsibilities of leading the free world. Harris, who could become President if Joe Biden’s health falters, is described as an “incompetent lightweight,” a sentiment echoed by insiders and former staff members.

Spiering’s criticisms of Harris are not new, but they are striking in their intensity. His book draws on numerous sources, including former staffers who labeled Harris a “soul-destroying bully.” Reports of abusive behavior within her office are pervasive, contributing to an unprecedented 92% staff turnover during her first year in office. This high rate of departures, coupled with stories of emotional abuse, paints a picture of a chaotic and toxic work environment that raises concerns about her leadership abilities.

Harris’s failures extend beyond her management style, according to Spiering. One of the most significant critiques is her handling of the southern border crisis. Appointed by President Biden to spearhead efforts in addressing the surge of illegal immigration, Harris’s response has been widely viewed as inadequate. Despite multiple trips and attempts to address the root causes of migration, the situation has worsened, with critics saying Harris failed to take control of the issue, allowing it to spiral further.

On the political front, Harris’s relationship with the Biden administration has been tumultuous. Spiering details a strained dynamic between Harris and the First Family, particularly with Jill Biden, who reportedly opposed Harris being chosen as Biden’s running mate. The friction has only increased as Harris struggles to carve out a distinct role for herself within the administration. While she campaigned as a progressive, her actions in office have confused both allies and critics, failing to meet the high expectations set when she first entered national politics.

Spiering also delves into Harris’s earlier political career, highlighting her meteoric rise from California prosecutor to U.S. Senator. However, her ascent was not without controversy. Harris’s 2020 presidential campaign floundered, and her performance in key moments, such as debates, left much to be desired. A particularly devastating moment came when Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard dismantled Harris’s record on criminal justice reform, significantly damaging her credibility.

Harris’s inability to maintain a consistent political identity has further fueled doubts about her competence. Despite running as a law-and-order candidate during her time as California’s attorney general, she has since pivoted to embrace more progressive stances, which Spiering argues have alienated her from both moderates and progressives within her own party. This shift has only deepened concerns about her leadership style, with many questioning whether she is equipped to handle the complexities of national governance.

Perhaps most worrying for Democrats is the public’s perception of Harris. Polling data consistently shows her as one of the least popular Vice Presidents in recent history. Her approval ratings have suffered due to a combination of public missteps, such as infamous “word salads” in speeches, and her failure to take decisive action on pressing issues. Spiering suggests that even within Democratic circles, there are growing doubts about her viability as a future presidential candidate.

While Harris’s defenders argue that she faces unique challenges as the first female Vice President of color, critics like Spiering insist that her performance in office has been lackluster. As the 2024 election approaches, the Democratic Party will need to decide whether to rally around Harris or seek out alternatives to lead the ticket. Given the stakes, Spiering’s portrayal of Harris as dangerously ill-prepared raises serious concerns about her potential to lead the nation in turbulent times.


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