Former Democrat Arizona Attorney General Calls for Investigation into Katie Hobbs’ Pay-to-Play Scheme


In a major development that could have significant repercussions for Arizona politics, former Democrat Attorney General Terry Goddard has called for an investigation into current Governor Katie Hobbs over allegations of a pay-to-play scheme. This controversy centers around substantial donations made to a dark money group used for Hobbs' inaugural events, which reportedly influenced state contract decisions.

The allegations suggest that Hobbs solicited donations of up to $250,000 through a 501(c)(4) nonprofit group for her inauguration. These funds allegedly came from entities that later received favorable treatment from the state. Notably, Sunshine Residential Homes, which contributed large sums, subsequently saw a significant increase in the rates they could charge for their services, raising concerns about a quid pro quo arrangement.

Republican Senator T.J. Shope, chair of the Arizona Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee, has been vocal in demanding accountability. He has issued letters to both the Attorney General Kris Mayes and Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell, urging them to investigate these transactions for potential breaches of laws related to bribery and conflicts of interest.

This scrutiny comes as Hobbs faces ongoing legal challenges and investigations into her actions during her tenure as Secretary of State. Hobbs is already under investigation for allegedly shutting down the E-Qual candidate petition portal illegally, a move that disenfranchised several primary election candidates.

These accusations are not new for Hobbs, who has been a controversial figure in Arizona politics. The investigations initiated by former Attorney General Mark Brnovich have yet to conclude, leaving many questions unanswered. The involvement of Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes, who narrowly won her election, adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing probes.

Senator Shope has called for transparency and thorough investigation, emphasizing that the public has a right to know whether Hobbs’ actions were lawful. The potential for significant legal and political fallout is high, given the serious nature of the allegations and the involvement of high-ranking state officials.

As this story unfolds, it underscores the need for rigorous oversight and accountability in government. The implications of these investigations could extend beyond Arizona, highlighting the broader issues of political corruption and the influence of money in politics.

In conclusion, the call for an investigation into Governor Katie Hobbs' alleged pay-to-play scheme by former Attorney General Terry Goddard and current lawmakers reflects growing concerns about ethical governance in Arizona. The outcome of these probes could have lasting impacts on the state's political landscape and serve as a cautionary tale about the perils of unchecked political power.


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