Exploring the Democratic Convention’s Tainted Ties to Israel


Amidst the flurry of excitement surrounding the Democratic National Convention, there is one topic that has been conveniently brushed under the rug by the liberal media – the party’s questionable relationship with Israel. As a conservative, it is crucial to shed light on this issue and expose the biased narrative being pushed by the left. Let us delve deeper into the roots of this tainted alliance and uncover the truth behind the Democrats’ stance on Israel.

It all began in 1968, when a young Joe Biden made his debut at the Democratic Convention. The rising politician was quick to catch the eye of his party’s leadership, but it wasn’t just his charismatic presence that drew their attention.

As revealed by political strategist James Carville, Biden’s strong pro-Israel stance was a key factor in his rise to prominence within the Democratic party. This raises the question – was Biden’s allegiance to Israel merely a political tactic to advance his career?

Fast forward to present day and the answer seems to be a resounding yes. As the Democrats gear up for another convention, their ties to Israel have only grown stronger. But at what cost?

Under the Obama administration, the Democratic party turned a blind eye to Israel’s plight in the face of constant attacks from Gaza. The biased media may have you believe otherwise, but the truth is that the Democrats have long been neglecting their supposed ally.

This begs the question – why? The answer lies in the powerful influence of the liberal elite who have hijacked the Democratic party. These self-proclaimed “progressives” have a disdain for Israel and will stop at nothing to push their anti-Israel agenda. The Democratic leadership, in fear of losing their support, have succumbed to their demands and turned their backs on a nation that has long been a strong ally of the United States.

But as conservatives, we cannot stand by and watch the Democrats continue to betray our nation’s ally. We must hold them accountable for their actions and demand a change in their stance towards Israel. It is time for the American people to see through the facade of the Democratic party and recognize the true motives behind their support for Palestine.

It is not just a matter of foreign policy, but also a matter of morality. As conservatives, we understand the importance of standing with our allies, especially in the face of adversity. Israel has faced constant threats and attacks from its enemies, and yet it remains a beacon of democracy and freedom in the Middle East. The Democrats’ lack of support for Israel not only goes against American values, but also puts our nation’s security at risk.

In conclusion, it is time for the American people to wake up and see the Democrats’ true colors when it comes to Israel. As a conservative, I urge my fellow citizens to question the biased narrative being pushed by the liberal media and demand accountability from our leaders. The Democratic party’s alliance with Palestine may be convenient for their political gain, but it goes against the very principles that our nation was founded upon. Let us stand united in support of our ally, Israel, and send a message to the Democrats that their actions will not go unnoticed.