Biden Aside, the Regime Media Is Toast Too


In a recent article, Kurt Schlichter from asserts that the mainstream media, which he dubs the "regime media," is in a state of decline, much like President Joe Biden's administration. Schlichter's critique is rooted in the perception that the media is biased and overly protective of Biden, often failing to hold him accountable for his administration's missteps.

Schlichter argues that the media has lost credibility, drawing parallels between their handling of Biden and their dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was initially labeled as Russian disinformation but later verified as authentic​​.

He claims that this pattern of misinformation and suppression of inconvenient truths highlights the media's role as a partisan entity rather than an objective watchdog.

The piece suggests that the media's support for Biden has led to a disconnect with the American public. Schlichter points out the numerous crises under Biden's watch, such as inflation, supply chain issues, and the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, arguing that these failures have not been scrutinized to the extent they would have been under a Republican administration​. He believes this has eroded trust in the media, as they are seen as complicit in shielding Biden from criticism.

Furthermore, Schlichter notes that despite their efforts, the media cannot entirely control the narrative.

The rise of alternative media platforms and social media has made it increasingly difficult for the mainstream media to suppress stories. He cites the ongoing skepticism about Biden's cognitive abilities and the media's attempts to downplay any gaffes or signs of frailty as examples of this struggle​​.

Schlichter also touches on the broader implications for democracy. He argues that a free and unbiased press is essential for a healthy democracy, but the current state of the media is failing in this regard. He suggests that the media's perceived bias is contributing to a growing polarization and distrust among the public, which could have long-term detrimental effects on the political landscape​​.

In conclusion, Schlichter's article is a scathing critique of both the Biden administration and the mainstream media. He portrays the latter as complicit in protecting a faltering presidency, to the detriment of public trust and democratic integrity. As the media landscape evolves, the "regime media" faces an uphill battle to regain credibility and fulfill its role as an objective informant to the public.



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